With memories of hurricanes Harvey and Irma still fresh in the minds of drivers, it’s a good time to review how to drive in a safer manner when the weather turns windy and rainy.
While the safest course of action in inclement weather is to stay off of the roads until the storm passes, that’s not always possible in every circumstance. Following the below tips may keep you and your family safer the next time storm clouds gather.
- Slow your speed. When the rain starts, the moisture creates a slick sheen on the highway that reduces traction of automobile tires. Slowing down can reduce the risk of accidents.
- Turn on your headlights. This lets other automobiles see you and can also keep you from getting a ticket.
- Pay attention to the road. Eliminate distractions by turning off the radio and silencing conversation inside the car. Remember not to use your phone unless it is under emergency conditions.
- Give other cars additional space. Allow two more seconds of time to elapse between you and the car ahead of you, as that provides you with more reaction time.
- Never drive through standing water. This is one of the primary ways that motorists wind up drowning. Turn around and drive to safety instead.
- Anticipate wind gusts. Be especially mindful of gusts near tunnels, overpasses, tunnels and cuts through mountain regions.
- Grip the steering wheel tightly. Make sure both hands stay on the wheel in windy weather.
- Be aware of large vehicles. Semitrucks and recreational vehicles are especially susceptible to being buffeted by winds. This makes it harder for truckers to stay in their lanes.
Because accidents occur frequently in bad weather, if you were injured in a collision with an at-fault motorist, you may be able to pursue a claim for damages and be financially compensated for your losses.
Source: Travelers, “How to Drive Safely in Strong Wind and Rain,” accessed Sep. 15, 2017