When a driver is facing a drunk driving charge, they should understand how to challenge a field sobriety test that is being used against them. It is possible to challenge a field sobriety test for a variety of different reasons.
In some circumstances a DUI charge may be based on a field sobriety test, making it vital to be able to challenge the accuracy and reliability of a field sobriety test when needed. Some studies report that even when a field sobriety test is properly conducted, it may only accurately determine intoxication 81% to 91% of the time. There are generally 3 different types of field sobriety tests including the horizontal gaze nystagmus test, the walk and turn test and the one-leg stand test.
It is imperative that whatever type of field sobriety test is being conducted, that it is conducted according to the police officer’s training and is properly conducted to ensure reliable results. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration provides guidelines for conducting field sobriety tests that police officers should be trained in and follow whenever they are conducting a field sobriety test. In addition, it is important that the accused driver’s physical and mental conditions are taken into account when a field sobriety test is conducted.
A lot is on the line when it comes to a field sobriety test or drunk driving charges that can often follow a field sobriety test. As a result, in order to better protect themselves, accused drivers should be familiar with field sobriety tests and how they can challenge them when needed.